About me

my name is Hugo plazola and i go Linda marquez hpiam school.
i have been coming to the schools at hp since 2nd grade. i learned to play the guitar and trumpet in hp. i have alot of memories from my childhood that consist of me being in hp. i do like to go to other places like beaches, mall, movies, etc out of hp but i always seem to come back to hp.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Student Success Statement

“When you tell one lie it leads to another”

This is a true statement because one lie will never be enough to cover up the truth. You will need one lie to help the original lie hold back the truth then that lie will need another lie and that lie will need another lie it’s just a big cycle. Then these lies stop making sense and when you tell a lie that doesn't fit well with the others then the truth will be revealed. Plus all those lies aren’t worth it because of the stress and anxiety they cause. Such as what if they ask this or that what will i say will the truth be revealed. That would just be plain torture. It’s better to just tell the truth even if it has repercussions. It's better because you won't be as stress or suffer from anxiety. Plus a person who tells the truth will be respected more because they would not become liars. So telling a lie will only lead to more lies which lead to more trouble so tell the Truth.
Image result for truth lies

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Student success statement

“It’s better to be alone than to be in bad company”

This is true to some extent. If you are working hard to achieve a long life goal then being alone could be the right answer. Being around people who want to have fun will only slow you down. But it is okay to go out and have fun every once in awhile. If you don't you're not living. You could live to be 100 but you didn't really have a fun and exciting life. You won be able to say you got hammer so badly one time you woke up in an alley in a different state. That having fun will give you happy memories. So i believe being alone is a right thing but only when you are working hard to achieve a goal. So it is really up to you to decide if you want to work or have fun.
“World war 2”
Germany, Italy, Japan, were the axis power the allies where the U.S.A, Britain, France, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the Soviet Union, India, and China. It mostly occurred in europe and asia.

In june 6 1944 the U.S.A invades the beaches of normandie. The germans new that this would occur one day so they heavily fortified the beaches. The first groups of quadrants that landed sustain heavy casualties. 130,000 men landed in the beach.

Pearl harbor happened in december 7 1941. Japan attacked the U.S navy base killing more than 2,000 military and civilians. This occurred in hawaii. As a result of this japanese americans were rounded up and put in concentration camps  

Monday, December 5, 2016

Student success statement
Can people  trust me to do what’s right?
Am i committed to do my very best?
Do i treat people the way i want to be treated?
“If the answers to these question are yes, there is no way you can fail.”
Lou Holtz

This statement is true because when the answers to them is yes then all you get is trustworthiness, perseverance, and kindness. This are all great things that can only lead you down a good path. Just like all of lou holtz’s team they were all really successful in basketball. They were successful because they had these characteristics in life.  With good things like these you can't fail in anything. Not in school not at work not even in life. These three questions can lead you in a great passage that only has good things in stored for you. Not being able to answer these questions with a yes would only be trouble. You wouldn't have these amazing things to guide you. So there would only be repercussions in your way. So make sure you can answer these questions with a yes
Challenges Teens Face Today
  1. Peer pressure
  1. Insults
  2. School
  1. Stress
  1. Life
  2. Choices
  3. Self esteem
  1. Depression
  1. Cyber addiction

The major challenges i deal with are school and the stress it causes me. I am trying to cope with it and i play video games were i realize my anger and stress which really helps me get through another day.

It helps you overcome the challenges because you will choose things that will only be beneficial and helpful to yourself.  

You can be understanding and helpful to them.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Student Success Statement

“Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity. Intelligence and skill can only function at the peak of their capacity when the body is healthy and strong.”
President John F. Kennedy

This is true because education and physical fitness come hand and hand. If you want to work and do more for your education your body needs to be resilient. Being in good health will let you focus more and work harder. Plus being in a sport will look good in your college resume. I believe being smart makes your brain more aware and active. That way in sports your senses will improve. You will be more aware of your surroundings and act faster. Plus you need to be in good health in order to attend school and practice. Not only that but in life if there ever is a catastrophe you will need you be able to run, climb, and lift. Not only that but your intelligence could come in handy in particular moments. So physical health and education are both really important.  

Health sciences Librarian

Duties and responsibilities:
Health sciences Librarian help find medical documents. Documents such as trials, medical treatments, and patient medical history.


They require a master's degree in library science with a concentration in the health sciences.

Demand or need for this profession:
The job growth is only expected to rise 2% from 2014 through 2024.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Student success statement
“Kindness is the essence of greatness”

This is a true statement because you will be able to reach greatness through kindness. This happens because kindness will lead you in the right direction. The right will always give you something good in return. If you are not kind then you will most likely end up choosing the wrong. There is no way you can chose the wrong without repercussions. These repercussions will hold you back on your way to greatness. So kindness will only puts you it the path to greatness wil not being kind will not.
Thanksgiving week

It start off how i expected it would just me relaxing at home. Then on Saturday night my parents just announced that we were going to visit my brother in TJ. which was fine because my sister and i hadn’t seen him in a while. We drove there at night because my dad was working during the day. It was dark and raining which i really enjoyed. When we got there we did a bunch of stuff we went out for food, we bought movies, went to a park, and visited other family. The park was really fun because it had go carts which we got on and golf carts which we rented. On thanksgiving day we took food to my grandpas house and made chicken (since my family doesn't like turkey), mashed potatoes, salad, and some crane molida. So overall this was a good thanksgiving break.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Student success statement
“If it is not right, do not do it: if it is not true do not say it”

These wise words can keep any one out of trouble. It will do that because you can't do right and get wrong. So if you do the right course of action you will be rewarded. The only way you won't be is by doing the wrong. If you do the wrong you will have to suffer the consequences which are never good. Plus saying things that are wrong won't ever get you anything. You won't ever get anything good if you speak wrongly. Plus that and choosing the wrong will only make people think less about you. You might not be invited because people will know how you choose the wrong and say wrong things. But do right and say true and good things and you will be know as a good person. And doors open mostly just to good people. So do right sand speak the truth.

  1. I am thankful to be alive
  2. i am thankful that my family is alive
  3. i am thankful to have food
  4. i am thankful for having a house
  5. i am thankful that i have a good life
  6. i am thankful for learning new things
  7. i am thankful for being healthy 
  8. i am thankful for living i USA
  9. i am thankful for having an Xbox
  10. i am thankful for WiFi
  11. i am thankful that i get to be tankful

The first thanksgiving occurred when the pilgrims decided to share a meal with the local natives in 1621. This thanksgiving was not a one big meal though it was a three day event the ate, had entertainment, and hunted. The natives killed five deer so venison was first on the menu while turkey was not. The tradition did not continue the following year though. In 1789 george washington declared thanksgiving a national holiday every november thursday november 26. This did not become an annual tradition until the 19th century. Sera josepha hale was inspired by a dairy of pilgrim life to recreate thanksgiving. She started protest in 1827 and finished in 1857 during this time she passed the recipes for pumpkin pie, mashed potatoes, turkey, and cranberry sauce. Then in 1863 during the civil war abraham lincoln decided that thanksgiving would be on the final thursday of november every year. But in 1939 president roosevelt decided to move it up a week. This decision was widely criticized so in 1941 the put it back to the fourth of every november where it stays today.

Monday, November 14, 2016

Student success statement

“Doing what is right, fair and honorable is more important than winning or losing.”

This is true because winning by cheating or being dishonorable isn't winning. It isn’t winning because if you have a conscience it will destroy you. It won't let you think about how you aren't worthy to be called the winner the champ because you cheated your way to the top. Plus only the true winners get the praise and respect of others. Dirty and dishonorable people won't get praised only people who are fair, choose the right, and are honorable. Plus it will only feel great if you make your way to the top through hard work.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Veterans day is when you honor american troops both alive or dead. That what makes it different from memorial day which only honors the dead. Veterans day occurs every november 11th. It is important to show respect because these men and women went to hell to fight for our freedom and rights. We can show honor and respect to veterans by simply saying thank you because it's such a small but very significant thing to do. You can also donate or support the uso who was been taking care of our troops for 70 years.
Image result for veterans day

I feel that veterans day should always remain as long as america still stands. I feel this way because these brave women and men all fought to the end for america so america should remember them to the end. I also believe that this holiday is a great thing for veterans. Veterans day will also remind us what war was like since veterans talk about it. They tell us how terrible it was but they also tell us if it was worth it.

Monday, November 7, 2016

“Student success statement”

These are the three magic keys to living your life with integrity
  1. Have the courage to say no
  2. Have the courage to face the truth
  3. Do the right thing because it's right

Integrity is a very important factor in life if you want to do good. That's why this these keys are very important. They teach us the ways to gain integrity. Saying no is very important because in life we need to know when to say no. say you're at a party and your friends start getting high and you uncomfortable with this. They might try to get you high so you can relax so you need to be able to say no and leave. When you do wrong facing the truth will make you a better person. You will learn from your mistake and people will think highly of you. They will know what kind of person you are and how they can trust you. Plus doing the right will always get you good things in life. Good things such as integrity.  

Thursday, November 3, 2016

“Student success statement”

“He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed”

This quote is true because who you hang out with will affect you. You may not realize it but people will have an influence on you. Like having a friend who choose the right thing you will see the good results. Therefore next time a situation that is similar you will be more inclined to do the right thing. Then you will be rewarded and you won't soon forget that so you will get nothing but good. But just like good impressions can influence you so can the bad ones. They are even more influential because they are so easy to do while the good ones will always be harder. Only those who don’t realize the greatness of doing good will follow the bad. This bad will only bring repercussions so eventually it will destroy them.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Gainsville tornadoes 

Gainsville is a juvenile detention facility that allows boys with extremely good behavior go out to play basketball a couple times a year. in all their games they have never had fans only a handful of parents go but for one game because most are busy. one day while going to play a private school team Vanguard they arrived to see fans cheering for them to have cheerleaders and posters for them. it turns out vanguard found out about them having no support and decided to get people to cheer for them because they believed you should always get support even when you made a mistake. the gainsville boys all appreciated this so much. they all said that would be a moment in  their life they would never forget
“Student success statement”

“The best recreation is to do good”

This is true because when you want to start all over again you best do good. If you don't then how is it going to be any different the second time around. For example when you do drugs and you recreate yourself but you don’t stay away from drugs you will be in the beginning all over again. You recreated yourself wrong but if you would have done it good then you stay away from drugs and drug users. That is doing good and choosing the right. And by always choosing the right and doing good you're  recreating could never go wrong.  Also if you are a gambler you going to want to do good by you and your family. You would want to stop wasting that money on useless things and want to use it on you family. That would be choosing the right and doing good. Doing wrong would be recreating yourself and still waste your money on useless things like alcohol and drugs. You stop gambling but you did wrong in a different way.

Friday, October 28, 2016

Student Success Statement
“Right is right, even if everyone is against it;
And wrong is wrong, even if everyone is for it.”

This is 100 percent true because we humans have done many wrong things because everyone was for it. Such as the crucifixion of Jesus. They all voted to crucify him and only his followers knew that was wrong but everyone went for the wrong. If they would have know that just because every one is for it it doesn’t make it write. They should have stood up for what they thought and not allowed Jesus to be crucified.

Abraham Lincoln was a white man who believed slavery should not exist. Most disagreed but Abe didn’t switch sides just because most were going for the wrong. No he decided to do what's right even if he stood alone. This argument led to civil war but Abe still fought for what was right. He won. He abolished slavery from america and did the write thing even when others doubted him.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Homecoming welcomes alumni students and former residents back.

It started in the early nineteenth hundreds. It was a football game in the start.

We celebrate homecoming to show school spirit and support whatever athletic teams

Football, soccer, basketball, balls

Because they usually have homecoming before a big game

Usually you have the game then a school dance but before that a school spirit week.

Monday, October 24, 2016

“Student success statement”

“A good name is better than anything you can achieve in this life”

This is true if you want people to think good about you. Like when you're in positions where people need to trust or judge you. Your name will say a lot about you. Sometimes what you have done will prevent you from achieving want you want in life. Like your dream job your so close to getting it but the employer sees you were fired from your last job because you goty in a fight why would he hire you. He would just think oh he’s/she is no good nothing but trouble. So a bad name would ruin your chances in plenty of things. While a good name does the opposite it makes people think highly of you in any situation. It also improves your chances with almost anything like jobs, dates, trust, lending. People won't want to trust people with bad names and trust is a very important thing in life that can get you many things. So remember having a good name is choosing the right.
“Student success statement”

“A good name is better than anything you can achieve in this life”

This is true if you want people to think good about you. Like when you're in positions where people need to trust or judge you. Your name will say a lot about you. Sometimes what you have done will prevent you from achieving want you want in life. Like your dream job your so close to getting it but the employer sees you were fired from your last job because you goty in a fight why would he hire you. He would just think oh he’s/she is no good nothing but trouble. So a bad name would ruin your chances in plenty of things. While a good name does the opposite it makes people think highly of you in any situation. It also improves your chances with almost anything like jobs, dates, trust, lending. People won't want to trust people with bad names and trust is a very important thing in life that can get you many things. So remember having a good name is choosing the right.
1.Amity corporation: teach english in japan
2.Emergency Medicine: in australia
3.Physician: RS Global it in india
4.ESL english teacher: china teach english to kids

I would like to work as emergency medicine in australia because considering all the dangers they have other there i would probably learn a lot from it.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Student Success Statement

“A good name i s rather to be chosen than great riches”

This quote depends on the type of person who is reading this. To some they don’t really care for people's opinion so they would absolutely choose money. But there people who still care about how they are view and your name can be viewed harshly if it's not a good name. Those who don't care would probably just do what they want because their name is already no good. I am not sure which i would choose because i do so like the money. But how can i enjoy the money when i know i have a bad name and i have done wrong. So i can't decide where this quote speaks the truth. As i said this all depends on the type of person who reads it.
Health Educator

Duties and Responsibilities:
Health educators help Promote, maintain, and improve health in our community by helping people and communities adapt to healthy behaviors.

Salary: 41,830

They would need to have at least a bachelor's degree or higher in health education.

Demand for this profession:
This job will grow 13% from 2014 to 2024 because they inform our community about health options

No i would not like to be one because i find this job boring

Friday, October 14, 2016

“Student success statement”

“If your so called friends urge you to do anything you know to be wrong, you be the one to make a stand for right, even if you stand alone. Have the moral courage to be a light for others to follow”
Thomas S. Monson

This is an amazing quote because he tells us to stand up for ourselves. To be what we know is right and what we want in life. Not to be just another faceless person in the crowd. To be the light for others, i like that to be a image of change and a great example to follow. If everyone just followed and did wrong the world would be in total chaos. We need people who do stop and choose to do the right thing because they show those who can't do the same the correct way to go. Plus the example they set will be amazing because people are going to see someone who wasn't afraid to be alone and do the right thing. This will encourage them to do the same thing later in life. Then people who see them will do the same and then the same thing all over again. That one act affects the whole world because the act is so amazing it keeps going from person to person. That's why it's important to do the right thing.


Duties and responsibilities:
Firefighters help protect the public. They answer to all sorts of call like car accidents, floods, chemical spills, fire rescue, etc.

Salary: 33,000-55,000

A firefighter must have at least a Postsecondary non-degree award which can take up 2 years to get 4 at the most.

Demand for this particular job:
This job is asked for but not a lot it is projected to grow 5% from 2014 to 2024. Its probably because there isn't that many accidents

I think i would like to be one because you're helping your community not just that but you get to save people's life

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Student success statement

“A CTR champion is a person who makes a great human out of himself”
This is true because the champion of ctr will always do the right thing. And choosing the right is always a great reward. You feel good because you have done good. Plus ctr will make you a better human because you will always be doing right by you and by others. You will do things that people would be grateful for and they will appreciate you more. You won't get a trophy for being a ctr champion in fact you make yourself a champion just by doing a lot of ctr action. By choosing the wrong you won't be a loser you will just be another face in the crowd. You won't be a champion or an amazing person you will just another ctw person. And by being a ctr person you will make great things for your own life not like ctw people. So remember always choose the right.

Environmental health

Duties and Responsibilities:
They inspect the environment to see if they follow local and state federal regulations. The regulations are there to keep citizens safe and healthy.

Salary: 82,000

You need to have a bachelor's degree, a degree field, get certification, have speaking skills, and experience.

Demand for this profession:
This job is being asked for because it is expected to rise 11% from 2014 through 2024. Probably because they check to see that our environment isn't harmful to us.


I think i would like to be one because i get to work with our environment. Plus i would helping out my community and others community.