About me

my name is Hugo plazola and i go Linda marquez hpiam school.
i have been coming to the schools at hp since 2nd grade. i learned to play the guitar and trumpet in hp. i have alot of memories from my childhood that consist of me being in hp. i do like to go to other places like beaches, mall, movies, etc out of hp but i always seem to come back to hp.

Monday, October 24, 2016

“Student success statement”

“A good name is better than anything you can achieve in this life”

This is true if you want people to think good about you. Like when you're in positions where people need to trust or judge you. Your name will say a lot about you. Sometimes what you have done will prevent you from achieving want you want in life. Like your dream job your so close to getting it but the employer sees you were fired from your last job because you goty in a fight why would he hire you. He would just think oh he’s/she is no good nothing but trouble. So a bad name would ruin your chances in plenty of things. While a good name does the opposite it makes people think highly of you in any situation. It also improves your chances with almost anything like jobs, dates, trust, lending. People won't want to trust people with bad names and trust is a very important thing in life that can get you many things. So remember having a good name is choosing the right.

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